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Our clients are cooler than we are. They have been on The New York Times bestseller list for both fiction and non-fiction, have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today and Tonight Shows, and have won prestigious awards in their respective fields.

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Ed Bacon

Ed Bacon

“Stuart has so energetically engaged my book that in his ‘living with’ my material he has taken the earlier structure and made the project more sound, dynamic, and alive. He has guided my writing and pressed me gently, firmly, and enjoyably to stay on schedule. Stuart’s dedicated work has made me a better writer and led my efforts to have even more depth and resonance than I had imagined.”

8 Habits of Love: Overcome Fear and Transform Your Life (Grand Central)

Ed Bacon

Bettye Kearse

Bettye Kearse

“Stuart pointed out to me that I was trying to put dozens of family stories into one book and some even distracted from the messages I wanted to convey in The Other Madisons. He asked questions that helped me to keep the big picture in focus. I am very proud of the book that came out of Stuart’s guidance. Thanks to him, I feel the varied elements work together to enhance one another in a balance that is almost musical.”

The Other Madisons: The Lost History of a President’s Black Family (Houghton Mifflin)

Bettye Kearse

A Worldwide Map of Our Worldwide Clients

Verna Myers

Verna Myers

“Many times I had the feeling, ‘Wow, Stuart figured out what I was trying to say!’ Book Architecture’s encouragement definitely helped me keep going. In those moments when I felt lost, Stuart taught me about the power of structure to tell a story. The story’s there, it just has to be structured so people can hear it.”

Moving Diversity Forward: How to Go From Well-Meaning to Well-Doing (American Bar Association)

Verna Myers

Dominique Mielle

Dominique Mielle

“I knew I had developed a distinct voice, but I didn’t know how to carry that into a 60,000-word book. It was clear to me the first step was finding excellent help. Stuart was the second editor I reached out to, and we connected from the beginning. That matters. You’re spending a lot of time with and energy on this person. This is someone you’re entrusting with your story. Building trust matters. It was as early as receiving the first draft, I knew: Stuart is someone excellent.”

Damsel in Distressed: My Life in the Golden Age of Hedge Funds (Simon & Schuster)

Dominique Mielle

Desmond Meade

Desmond Meade

Stuart Horwitz took my story to heart. When he provided detailed and speedy editorial support, I knew it was because he believed in the mission but also because he believed in me. Amendment Four passed just like my book got written—because people like Stuart everywhere saw the good that could be in the world.

Let My People Vote (Beacon Press)

Desmond Meade

Elizabeth Flock

Elizabeth Flock

“Stuart is the master wordsmith of all master wordsmiths. The Yoda to my Luke. His suggestions / questions / answers and general advice ALL ring true and I trust him completely. He has hit all the nails on all their heads…”

But Inside I’m Screaming (Harlequin MIRA)

Elizabeth Flock

Windy Lynn Harris

Windy Lynn Harris

“I was one of those people with a book idea locked in ‘someday’ mode until I worked with Stuart Horwitz. I wasn’t even sure I had a full-length book on my hands, really. Stuart eased me into the process with one small step and within a short amount of time I had a book proposal, a book contract, and a publishing date. Thank you, Book Architecture!”

Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays: The Essential Guide to Getting Your Work Published (Writer’s Digest Books)

Windy Lynn Harris

Lani Guinier

Lani Guinier

“Because this book has been in development for almost a decade, Stuart Horwitz was of enormous help in shaping the final manuscript, working closely with me to craft the stories I wanted to tell. I’m indebted to him.”

The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America (Beacon Press)

Lani Guinier

Rick Snyder

Rick Snyder

“Thank you for all of your help and guidance over this past year and helping me get to the point of being published! Your editing, feedback, and perspective were invaluable…from concept to structure, you really showed me what it takes to write a book. It’s amazing that this platform is opening up to offer my ideas and approaches to help others connect more deeply with their own guidance and wisdom in this way.”


Decisive Intuition: Use Your Gut Instincts to Make Smart Business Decisions (Career Press)

Rick Snyder

Carla Albano

Carla Albano
Good swimmers know they need a good coach, so I started with Stuart from the very beginning. Given that it’s my first book, I had no perspective on how to structure my thinking or put the material together. Stuart was amazing; he didn’t tell me what to do or how to write, but instead he helped direct my voice. We had a lot of dots to connect—I wouldn’t have been able to get the message straight or tell the story the way it needed to be told without him.
Soul of a Swimmer (CG Sports Management)
Carla Albano

Emily English Medley

Emily English Medley

“The Book Architecture process met me where I needed it to, and was absolutely what I was hoping for. We worked on my book together for nearly a year and a half. It was long and arduous, and worth every damn penny. I don’t feel like the story would have emerged like it did without going through that process. I knew I needed somebody who was going to be honest with me, and I got that vibe from Stuart; throughout the process, I never felt like he was telling me what I wanted to hear, but he was telling me what was going to make the book better.”

From the Moon I Watched Her (Greenleaf Book Group)

Emily English Medley

Julie Wu

Julie Wu

“Stuart Horwitz’s workshop helped inspire a rewrite that won a short-listing in the Faulkner-Wisdom novel-in-progress competition and and also landed me the agent who sold my book. The Book Architecture Method offers something that I have not found elsewhere—a systematic analysis of effective novel structure. With it I was able to see clearly why certain aspects succeeded and others were unsatisfying. Better yet, I saw how to fix the problems. Intuition can be great, but knowing what you’re doing is the most freeing feeling of all. Thanks, Stu!”

The Third Son (Algonquin Books)

Julie Wu

Lois Kelly

Lois Kelly

“Yowza, Stuart. Your process is brilliant. Uncovering the real theme changes everything and gives me the needed energy to WANT to revise. Thank you, thank you. I can be a bit skeptical, but your method works. Big time.”

Rebels At Work: A Handbook for Leading Change From Within (O’Reilly Media)

Lois Kelly

Charles Massimo

Charles Massimo

“Words cannot full express how grateful I am for Stuart’s guidance and support during the entire process of writing, Getting Off the Street. Put briefly, he helped make my dream a reality!”

Getting Off the Street: Sane Investment Advice from One of the Nation’s Leading Wealth Managers (Offstreet Press)

Charles Massimo

Rachael Wooten

Rachael Wooten

“Stuart Horwitz was the perfect editor for me. Master organizer, tireless word-wrangler, empathetic, and completely ’no-nonsense’…a rare combination to find in one individual. I loved working with Stuart, from creating a polished book proposal to getting the manuscript into submittable form. It’s no exaggeration to say that I wouldn’t be holding my just-published book without Stuart’s expert help!”

Tara: The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha — 22 Meditations to Heal Ourselves and Repair Our World (Sounds True)

Rachael Wooten

Debbie Epstein Henry

Debbie Epstein Henry

“It was not just Stuart’s enormous gift as an editor and a critical thinker that brought this book to another level. Stuart’s expert guidance in book structure, tone, flow and wit elevated our ideas and content to a final manuscript of which we are truly proud. We attribute our ability to keep motivated and stay on track to Stuart’s steadfast enthusiasm, flexibility and top notch organizational skills.”

Finding Bliss: Innovative Legal Models for Happy Clients & Happy Lawyers (American Bar Association)

Debbie Epstein Henry

Kathy Kleiman

Kathy Kleiman

“Stuart was many things. He was an editor. He was a sounding board. He was an encourager–Encourager, capital E. He was an architect. But perhaps most importantly, Stuart invited me to say what I wanted to say. With so many historians pushing against this story for so many years, it was powerful to hear, ‘Go ahead and say it. We’ll massage it into the right words after. For now, just say what you need to say.'”

Proving Ground (Grand Central Publishing)

Kathy Kleiman

Bill Joiner

Bill Joiner

“Stuart’s prescient advice about what to expect from the various players in the book industry led to a cogent proposal and a contract with a top notch publisher. His positive energy, supportive style, and incisive feedback have made his coaching and editing work on the book invaluable…and a joy.”

Leadership Agility: Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change (Jossey-Bass)

Bill Joiner

SaraKay Smullens

SaraKay Smullens

“After accepting a publishing contract, it was necessary to weave hundreds of pages into a finished manuscript in three months. This completed task would have been impossible without Stuart’s keen intelligence, patience and sensitivity…His reliability, uncommon good nature, and insightful intellect turned a highly anxious period of my life into a joy.”

Burnout and Self-Care in Social Work: A Guidebook for Students and Those in Mental Health and Related Professions (NASW Press)

SaraKay Smullens

Carl Hobert

Carl Hobert

“Stuart Horwitz is an incredible writer: sharp, kind, professional, and so much more. He understood just how to ask me the right questions, to get the valuable material that was needed, and to be patient when doing so. He has become a great friend – and we are already scheming about our second book together!”

Raising Global IQ: Preparing Our Students for a Shrinking Planet (Beacon Press)

Carl Hobert
AI Bit Invest