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BA Presents: The Phase One Contest

At Book Architecture, editorial support often begins with a Phase One (as the name might indicate), and
 that is what this contest is all about.

What is a Phase One?

If you are selected as the winner, Madison and I will each review your manuscript and generate a 7-10 page long written critique, capturing the macro and micro issues within your material. Once you have received and digested these critiques, a 1.5 to 2-hour meeting with all of us will help clarify any questions and brainstorm your next steps. (More information on the entire Book Architecture process can be found here).

What is our motivation?

Believe it or not…to be of help. Maybe you keep thinking your work is ready but you can’t bring yourself to actually enlist editorial help; maybe you’re ready and willing to involve that aid but your cash flow is holding you back for now; maybe you just like winning. In any case, we hope to see your manuscript in the draw!

What do we need from you?

  • A 10-page sample from anywhere in the work. (Microsoft Word, Apple’s Pages, or PDF are our preferred formats, but try us with other ones).
  • We hate synopses as much as anyone, so in addition to your sample we simply ask for one paragraph on what the work is about and where you (think you) are with it.

How does it work?

Submissions can be sent here, with an October 1st deadline. Entries will be judged by three members of the Inkhouse executive team, who are, in the words of one of them, “stoked” to assist. (If you’re not familiar, Inkhouse is a public relations firm with offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington DC). What are their judging criteria? It’s very simple — they will be looking for potential.

Make sure to sign up for the BA newsletter if you haven’t already, as that’s where the winner will be announced at the end of October. (And that could be you!)

Dear Desk Sitter

It is simply the reality that many of us spend 8+ hours a day sitting at our desks. Here at Book Architecture, we were discussing what can be done to mitigate the bodily wear and tear of that fact earlier this month. We bandied about some of the tips and tricks we think we maybe heard were helpful somewhere? before realizing it was time to consult a professional. Below is what physical therapist Dr. Mat Parker told Madison when she asked, on all of our behalf, what can be done: 

Motion is lotion. 

If you retain just one thing after reading this, Dr. Parker wants it to be that humans are made to move. You can sit with the most ideal posture on a multi-thousand dollar ergonomic chair with an optimally elevated screen, and even cumulatively that won’t be as impactful as taking mini breaks from being at your desk altogether. If you can swing it, he recommends moving around for five minutes every hour. 

Less is more when it comes to products. 

The type of chair you’re sitting on matters so much less than how you’re sitting on it. What we should be aiming for, according to Dr. Parker, is the 90-90-90 rule. Essentially, with your feet resting comfortably on the ground, your ankles should make a 90 degree angle, your knees should make a 90 degree angle, and your hips should make a nice 90 degree angle. If your feet don’t reach the ground but are dangling, that puts more pressure on the spine, and a footrest or foot stool might be a good idea–but really, that’s all. 

The biggest mistake Dr. Parker reports seeing is people, especially those with a history of back pain, opting for too much back support in their work setup. This can actually increase the curvature of the spine, forcing spinal muscles to activate and fire all day long, creating pain rather than alleviating it. Instead, when you’re sitting, you should ideally be straight up and down, with your low back gently resting against your chair or against a very small low back rest, with your back muscles relaxed and jelly-like. 

Check in with your body regularly. 

While we’re aiming for 90-90-90, people slouch. They sit on their feet. They cross their ankles. According to Dr. Parker, that’s fine. Don’t sweat it. Just make sure you don’t get so in the workflow that you hold the same suboptimal posture for too long. It’s important to switch it up. Even if you have a standing desk, for example, it’s best to alternate between that and sitting. If it doesn’t seem realistic to aim for the five minutes of movement per hour recommended above, these body scans and micro adjustments still carry a lot of value. 

Targeted effort goes far. 

If you want to take things a bit further, however, Dr. Parker says that working on hip mobility and glute strength is very beneficial for someone who sits for most of their work day. When people experience back pain or tightness, they often assume their core is weak and what needs to be strengthened. It is actually glutes that are the bigger issue. Dr. Parker describes it as their being the foundation to your house; if the foundation is rocky and unsteady, the columns of your spine are taking on force they’re not designed to. 

A hip flexor stretch is a great place to start to combat this. If you want to get fancy with it, you can add in some glute exercises like squats or glute bridges. Youtube videos can help guide these efforts–just take care not to let the glut of fitness videos therein overwhelm you.  

It’s an awareness game.

The true challenge is that when people are locked into work, or writers have found the flow, people tend to float off the back of their chair and inch closer to the computer screen–and there they might stay, for hours on end. According to Dr. Parker, “You want my annoying voice in the back of your head reminding you, ‘I haven’t moved in a few minutes. I should probably change positions.” At the end of the day, this is really all an awareness game.

8 (More) Albums for the Inspired Writer

When we first ran 10 Albums for the Inspired Writer, we were surprised by how much positive feedback we received. Help with the nuts and bolts of writing is apparently very welcome. The idea was to share music that could be used in the background while you write — a highly individualized choice, of course, but at the same time, aren’t we always looking for new music?

And so, I bring you eight more of my favorite wordless or foreign language albums (that don’t gum up the verbal faculty with lyrics, as that faculty is being used for something else) along with some notes on what kinds of projects they might be best suited for.


Bear’s Sonic Journals: That Which Colors the Mind by Ali Akbar Khan. A 2 hr.-concert performed by Ali Akbar Khan, master of the sarod (a Hindustani stringed instrument, as popular as the sitar). At the height of the 60’s era, Khan gave a concert in San Francisco that was recorded by the Grateful Dead’s Sound Engineer, Owsley “Bear” Stanley. Yes, the same Owsley who made the era’s best LSD. Suffice it to say, no one at this concert was asking Khan to stop.

>> You might also try: Raga Sindhi Bhairavi also by Ali Akbar Khan. The only disadvantage? The ragas — and hence the semi-trance periods the may provide — are shorter.



Live in Paris 28.05.1976 by Robert Fripp and Brian Eno. A two and a half hour guitar and synthesizer concert that feels five hours long, in a good way. You hear people clapping, someone getting yelled at (I think, it’s all in French), but soundscapes are 98% of this experience. You might try this when you really need to clear away all distractions.

>> You might also try: Thursday Afternoon by Brian Eno. The first time I put it on a playlist, I didn’t realize this “song” would be an hour long. Then it came on and everything became Thursday afternoon, and that turned out to be a good time to get a lot of work done.



Midnight Blue by Kenny Burrell. We need some jazz in here, so how about this album straight from the middle of the genre’s golden era (if you ask me). Burrell speaking through his Gibson L-5 (nickname: “Midnight Blue”) might encourage you to hear your own voice as he explores a range of emotions.

>> You might also try: Grant Green Ain’t It Funky Now: The Original Jam Master (Vol. 1) by Grant Green. More jazz guitar, this time just as it is edging into funk and soul. The grooves are a little more infectious and nobody’s giving up on an idea too soon.


Melhdau Covers: Surprise! An actual Spotify playlist here of the pianist Brad Mehldau’s sophisticated covers of popular songs. You will recognize these tunes, or small sections of them, so this entry might work if you want to be set forth to dream, on the one hand, but need a touchstone as you work through some murky territory, on the other.

>> You might also try: Mon Chien Stupide, Melhdau’s score for a French “comedy-drama” film (2019). I never saw the movie, but the album itself hints at a beginning, middle and end, a reversal and a denouement — all the good stuff without having to learn someone else’s narrative while working on your own.



Clients Crushin’ It: Juliana Teal

Madison Utley speaks to astrologer, intuitive, and first-time author Juliana Teal about the catharsis of telling her story through her book, Flying to Freedom, how she tempered the heaviness of the abuse that she endured with honoring the ways in which she healed, and the good that sharing her words has already done in the world. 


MU: I’d love to hear about your motivation to tell your story, and your choice to do so in the form of a book.

JT: Since I was a child, I’ve loved to write. My early school experiences were not good, but even back then my teachers couldn’t deny that I was a natural writer. For a long time I didn’t have the self-confidence to share what I wrote, so I’d keep it to myself, but it was around a decade ago that I realized I wanted to tell my story. I thought a book would be the best format because I was hoping to reach other survivors and loved ones of survivors in order to provide healing and education around what I’d experienced.


MU: I’m sure that natural aptitude helped give you the confidence to decide on a book, something that many people find to be a very intimidating thing. 

JT: That has to be true in ways, but it didn’t feel daunting to me. I felt an internal pressure to tell my story. Once I started writing, I could not stop. For several years, I was writing literally every single day. I was so motivated. I could not not write. Sometimes I’d feel stuck as I tried to figure out how to say something but then I’d wake up at 1am or 2am with an idea. I would get out of bed and turn on my computer to get it down as soon as possible. 


MU: At what point in that content generating process did it occur to you to bring in an assisting hand–and how did you go about doing that?

JT: I had finished about half or three-quarters of my manuscript, but I wasn’t feeling fully satisfied with what I had. I was happy with my writing, but I had material about three distinct things and I knew I needed to figure out how to tie them together better. I wanted a developmental editor to help unify what was feeling too choppy to me. I approached someone who, in her area, is pretty well known. I told her what my book was about and she agreed to be my editor, without even seeing my writing. We exchanged lengthy emails where she asked me a lot of questions about my writing experience. She finally told me to send her my manuscript. Three weeks later, she wrote me a brutal email. She said that no one wants to read about abuse and that I should toss out my whole manuscript. I was crushed. When I finally calmed down, though, I realized her words were not at all constructive criticism, but really just cruel, and I fired her. 

After that, I thought: All right, Universe, I can’t find an editor. You’re not sending anyone to me. Maybe I should not do this. But then a client happened to mention an editor she really wanted to work with herself. She shared about how kind and intelligent he was and I found myself asking, “What’s his name?” Instead of researching Stuart to see who he was and what his qualifications were, as I normally would do, I went by gut feeling and I called him. It was a great fit from the start. He had me send a sample of my manuscript and having seen my writing, he became my editor. When we worked together he’d make it clear, “You know how to write already. I’m not teaching you how to write, but how about expanding on this? What if we put that there?” He really believed in my abilities and my book, which helped heal a lot of the pain left by the other editor. 


MU: There is heavy, hard material that is a necessary part of telling your story. How did you embrace communicating the fullness of what you had to share without alienating your readers?

JT: My mission when I wrote my book was to make it as easy on the reader as possible. I knew I had to tell the truth of the ritual abuse I experienced, but also I knew my story is mostly about healing. There are five parts to my book, and the abuse is only discussed outright in part three. The other sections contain material that is healing and hopeful and expansive, which works to balance the heaviness of part three. I’ve been getting the most amazing, beautiful feedback from readers–better than I ever imagined. People have told me that my voice has made it possible to read even the difficult parts without feeling traumatized. I’ve also had feedback from people who have been abused themselves and they’ve said my story has really helped them, which is everything I could have hoped for.  


MU: What have you found to be the most difficult part of this process, and how did you overcome it?

JT: It’s interesting because people’s assumption is that emotionally, this book must have been hard to write, but it really wasn’t. I’m so enamored by the writing process that even as I wrote the difficult sections, I’d ask myself, “Hm, how can I phrase this? How can I creatively talk about this hard thing?” There were places where Stuart asked me to expand and those moments could be challenging, because I wasn’t just reporting on something, I was diving into what I felt inside. When I’d read certain sections out loud to friends, that would be difficult as well, and make me teary, but overall the process was easier than I think a lot of people would expect. 

That said, sharing the book and the vulnerability that goes along with that I have found to be very difficult. I was open about what happened to me. But I pushed through that fear by sending love to myself, by reminding my child self that I’m safe and I’m doing this for a greater cause. This isn’t about me. I’ve never been in this for money or for fame; it’s about helping other people who may have experienced a similar trauma. Remembering that is incredibly empowering.